Protected areas

South Shore of Zeller See and Brucker Moos, Zeller Moos

Protected area

„Zeller See South Shore“

What we casually call "nature reserve Lake Zell", is a composite of various protected areas. 

The south shore of Lake Zell is largely a protected sanctuary (Zeller Lake Conservation Area Ordinance).

The north subsequent lake outside of the reed zone and the mountainside east are landscape conservation area since 1981 (Zeller Lake Landscape Protection Ordinance).

The southern grasslands of the moores are protected landscape area (Brucker-Zeller Moss Landscape Protection Ordinance 1980).

Zeller-See Nature Conservation Regulation

The regulation of the Salzburg Provincial Government of November 23, 1983 declares  parts of the city of Zell am See and the municipality of Bruck an der Großglocknerstraße to a nature reserve (Zeller Lake Conservation Area Ordinance). The original regulation of the Provincial Government of Salzburg dates back to November 20, 1972, LGBl. Nr. 124
The marsh and wetland area along with the upstream portion of Lake Zell (reeds) - 203 hectares - are strictly protected.

German text of the regulation:

Diese Verordnung dient der Erhaltung:
  1. der weitgehenden Ursprünglichkeit des im § 1 bezeichneten Gebietes einschließlich seines besonderen ästhetischen Wertes im vorhandenen Landschaftsraum;
  2. geschützter und gefährdeter Tier- und Pflanzenarten (zB Eiderente, Schwarzkehlchen, Mittelmeerschafstelze, Kiebitz, Austernfischer);
  3. der ökologischen Funktion des im § 1 bezeichneten Gebietes, besonders des Niedermoores und der in den Alpen einmaligen Flachwasserlagunen mit großen Schlammbänken, einschließlich der Übergangszonen und Randbereiche, als Lebensraum für die typischen Lebensgemeinschaften, insbesondere als Brutplatz für geschützte und gefährdete Vogelarten und als Rastplatz für Zugvögel.

The entire legal basis can be looked up in the legal information system of the Federal Chancellery.

Zeller-See Landscape Protection Regulation

The landscape conservation area on Lake Zell municipality of Zell am See and Maishofen includes the entire lake plus the adjacent northern and eastern areas inland 500 m. Not inclosed are the settlement areas Thumersbach and Schüttdorf and the hospital. It covers an area of 702 hectares. The landscape in the alpine scenery and the lake as a resting and breeding place for migratory birds find special mention.

The entire legal basis can be looked up in the legal information system of the Federal Chancellery

Brucker-Zeller-Moos Landscape Protection Regulation

The 24-hectare area of the southern meadows is worth preserving because of particularly high landscape aesthetic value and recreational value of the characteristic natural landscape. The flat meadows of silting Moores were largely kept free from obstruction and dominate the landscape significantly with their diverse litter meadows and groups of trees.

The entire legal basis can be looked up in the legal information system of the Federal Chancellery.

Map of the Sanctuary for download

Link to

Natura 2000